Teacher Advisory Council (TAC)


The TAC is the teachers’ voice to the Board concerning pedagogical matters.  Likewise, it is the Board’s voice to teachers.  TAC meets five times each year.  Potential topics for the meeting may be brought to the President’s attention.

The TAC  includes a maximum of five teacher representatives, and the President of the Association or his/her delegate, the Director of Educational Services or his/her delegate and if need be the Director responsible for a particular policy, or his/her delegate. If the Association requests, the number of teacher representatives can be greater than five. 
The President of the Association and the Director of Educational Services may together invite any individual(s) for the purpose of enlightening the TAC on questions which fall within its competence.

TAC members for 2022-2023

President – Megan Seline

5 teachers – Peter Maingot (Secondary), Tim Croteau (Elementary), Shanna Loach (Adult Education), Ralph Niggebrugge (Secondary) and Nancy Cantave (Elementary)

Secretary – Gail Klinck

ETSB Members – Eva Lettner, Fred Noirfalaise, Emmaneulle Gaudet, Julie Edwards, Caroline Dufresne


"It is not what is poured into the student, but what is planted, that counts."

- E.P. Bertin

ATA’s Office in Magog